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State Route 410: Sonoran Corridor (Tier 2 Study)

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has begun the next study phase for the Sonoran Corridor, also known as State Route 410, a proposed new freeway in Pima County that would connect Interstate 19 and Interstate 10, south of Tucson International Airport. The Sonoran Corridor would help improve the local transportation system by providing a new, faster connection to the airport and other activity centers, reducing traffic congestion and shortening east-west freight movement between southern Arizona and Mexico.

In 2021, ADOT completed a Tier 1 Environmental Impact (EIS) study and issued a Record of Decision for the Sonoran Corridor, which identified a selected 20.5-mile, 2,000-foot-wide corridor route.

The current study, which includes a Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Design Concept Report (DCR), will:

  • Develop and evaluate a range of 400-foot-wide freeway alignment alternatives within the 2,000-foot corridor. The study will also evaluate a “no-build” alternative.
  • Evaluate environmental considerations and proposed mitigation.
  • Develop design concepts and features, such as interchange locations and bridges.
  • Select a preferred freeway alternative, which would include the alignment, interchange locations and other design features.
  • Provide several opportunities for public and stakeholder input throughout the process.

Tier 2 EIS and DCR Timeline

Timeline depicting project timeline from Spring 2024 to Summer 2026

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more, contact us below:

Phone 855-712-8530
In writing

ADOT Sonoran Corridor Study Team
2540 North Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716

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